The International Mariners Management Association of Japan (IMMAJ) through the IMMAJ-PJMCC Foundation, Inc. hosted a luncheon in honor of their scholars and their families at the Mess Hall of the Capt. Gregorio S. Oca building, MAAP Campus, Mariveles, Bataan after their graduation ceremony on December 6, 2019.
The second batch of graduates belonging to the Serezaeons Class of 2019 produced a total of 52 scholars for the IMMAJ member organizations. Of this number, 21 graduated with degrees in Marine Transportation and 31 graduated with degrees in Marine Engineering from the distinguished institution.
IMMAJ-PJMCC Foundation, Inc. Projects Consultant, CE Wenifredo Sola began the program by welcoming IMMAJ dignitaries led by Chairman, Capt. Koichi Akamine; Secretary General, Mr. Toshihito Inoue; Deputy Secretary General, Capt. Danpei Mori; Chief IMMAJ Manila Representative, Capt. Shohei Teranishi; IMMAJ Manila Representative, CE Masataka Fukuta and Interpreter, Ms. Etsuko Yamada Desembrana. Also given a warm welcome by CE Sola from Funzio IT Officer, Mr. Toshihiro Komiyama.
CE Sola likewise welcomed the presence of Philippine-Japan Manning Consultative Council (PJMCC) sponsors Capt. Teodoro B. Quijano, Dr. Theda Bernadette M. Quijano and Mr. Marcus Teodore Q. Latorre of Barko International, Inc.; Mr. Joselito D. Regio and Ms. Cris E. Capote of Eastgate Maritime Corporation; Capt. Tsutomu Harada and 3AE Bryan Barrion of Grace Marine and Shipping Corporation; Capt. Hisao Kondo of IMS Philippines Maritime Corporation; Mr. Michael John R. Bernardo of Island Overseas Transport Corporation; Mr. Jimnboy Alday of Magsaysay MOL Marine, Inc.; Mr. Akihiro Kashiwagi, Mr. Kei Yamamoto; C/E Arnel Gonzales and Ms. Augie Diaz of Maine Marine Philippines, Inc.; Capt. Nerio C. De Asis and Capt. Paul Casalan of Maranaw Luzon Shipping Company, Inc.; Mr. Allison Ryan Ferrer and Ms. Aimee Jpoy Misagal of MMSPhil Maritime Services, Inc.; Capt. Mario T. Manaor and Mr. Philip O. Calimlim of Splash Philippines, Inc.; Capt. Oscar D. Orbeta of Top Ever Marine Management Philippine Corporation; Mr. Kosuke Kadobayashi of "K" Line RoRo Bulk Ship Management Co., Ltd. and CE Pedrito F. Fadul, Ms. Abigeil Baraoidan and CM Darcy Hinlo of Veritas Maritime Corporation.
On behalf of the 93 members of IMMAJ, IMMAJ Chairman and IMMAJ-PJMCC Foundation, Inc. Trustee Capt. Koichi Akamine congratulated the scholars on their graduation day. Capt Akamine recognized the achievements of the scholars which today marked the culmination of 4 years of hard work. However, he encouraged them to continue to study and work hard to fulfill their dreams of being Captains and Chief Engineers of the future. He challenged them to always strive, “So that you can become the best that you can be.” In parting he addressed the graduates, “I look forward to seeing the graduates of 2019 as Masters and Chief Engineers at the soonest possible time.”
PJMCC Vice President Capt. Teodoro B. Quijano congratulated the graduates and hoped to meet the graduates 8 years from now as Masters and Chief Engineers. To do so, he reminded the graduates to continually learn something new every day. He stressed that the graduates are not in competition with anyone else except themselves. “There is no competition with anyone else,” shares Capt. Quijano. “The enemy is within ourselves. Our competition is between us now as graduates and what you will become tomorrow. You can do so much better if you compete with yourself; so strive to get better today than yesterday.” He recommends to assess one’s self at the end of the day. “Ask yourself, ‘Do I know something today that I did not know yesterday? ‘ If the answer is no, then hurry up and do something so that you will know something today that you didn’t know yesterday.”
Both gentlemen then proceeded to the Awarding of Gifts to graduates with honors and the Ceremonial Distribution of Ipad. The program concluded with the graduates receiving their gifts and tokens from their sponsors.