June 5 ------ A magistrate in Colombo, Sri Lanka issued an order banning the master of a tanker that spilled a small amount of oil into the harbor to remain in the country for 30 days. This is as the port authority and environmental bureau work to settle a claim against the Indian owner of the vessel.
A product tanker named Ark Prestige anchored off Sri Lanka on April 18 with media reports that the 10,314 dwt vessel registered in India is awaiting repairs. Port officials noticed an oil stain in the harbor on May 25 and it was traced back to the tanker. The spill spread according to the reports approximately 65 to 100 feet from the ship with some portions later washing up on shore. An analysis showed it is a hydraulic oil according to News-1 Sri Lanka. Pictures show a boom strung to catch the oil that washed to the harbor wall.
The vessel’s Indian order has reportedly accepted responsibility and promised to make restitution for the small spill. However, on the recommendation of the Colombo Port Police, the master, an Indian national named Raj Dev Yadev was taken in front of the magistrate. An order was issued on May 29 requiring the master to remain in Sri Lanka for one month. The Maritime Environment Protection Authority is reportedly seeking 15 million Sri Lankan Rupees (approximately $50,000) in compensation for the oil spill.
Source: maritime-executive.com