March 26 ----- Finland has maintained its position as the country with the happiest population for the sixth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report
The report, which is compiled by scientists in the US and based on surveys by the Gallup Institute, asks a nationally-representative sample of people how satisfied they are with their lives. Along with the Finns, Denmark and Iceland rounded up the top three happy countries.
Israel climbed five spots to be in fourth place this year, with the Netherlands in fifth. Other countries in the top ten include Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg and New Zealand. Germany, however, dropped two spots from last year to 16th place. The United States, United Kingdom, and France ranked 15th, 19th, and 21st respectively. Meanwhile, Afghanistan and Lebanon remained the two unhappiest countries in the survey.
The report emphasized that significant differences in country rankings for life evaluations were only seen at the extremes, as in the case of Finland at the top and Afghanistan and Lebanon at the bottom.