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EDSA-Kamuning flyover to be closed for repairs

MANILA, Philippines, April 23 ------ The EDSA-Kamuning flyover will be closed for repairs starting May 1, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) announced.


The retrofitting of the flyover’s southbound lane, which involves replacement of the decks or flooring, will be conducted by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) starting April 27. DPWH engineer Brian Briones said the decks would be demolished and replaced within six months or earlier. He said cracks in the flyover’s flooring could lead to destruction in case a strong earthquake occurs.


The MMDA advised motorists to look for alternative routes during the closure of the EDSA-Kamuning flyover. The agency said the flyover’s northbound lane would remain open to motorists during repairs. The DPWH aims to finish the retrofitting works by Oct. 25.




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